Kitchen Organization: Ideas for the Inside of the Cabinet Doors.Home decor and designs with style

Kitchen Organization: Ideas for the Inside of the Cabinet Doors

Happy Monday!  I was feeling a bit under the weather last week which is why the blog and my other favorite places to share + converse on the ‘net’ – IG, FB, etc – were quiet.  I’m still not feeling 100%, but am excited to share something I’ve been working on lately…  getting my kitchen organized.
For me, organization is a never ending battle.  I never feel like everything completely has a home, but I’ve accepted that and continually try to work towards creating a more efficient, more organized home.
When Lowe’s put to me to the challenge this month to tackle the kitchen, I knew it was a win-win.  To start off, I took a step back to analyze how the space could be more organized and user-friendly for cooking and storage.  I made a few moves of pots and pans, but what I really wanted to put-to-good-use was the insides of the kitchen cabinets. All that vertical space going unused?  The ideas started to flow…

My kitchen isn’t small, but it isn’t huge either.  With no pantry or extra storage for food, I’m always thinking about how to best store the food / “pantry items” in the cabinets.  For the most part, we eat real food / very little processed food.  That means no snacks that have to be stored for a long period of time because the food I buy has little “shelf time”.  Good for me, that the food we buy takes up less shelf area.  Bad for me, I go food shopping a lot.
Anyway, there is one large cabinet that all the food is stored in.  It’s a large cabinet at about 30″ wide with (2) doors.  Take a look…


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